Abdominoplasty – Before and After

World renowned top plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun performs the very best tummy tucks (or abdominoplasty), which result in a flatter, sexier tummy along with gained confidence and self esteem.

What is an Abdominoplasty?

An abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from middle and lower abdomen. This is done to tighten the muscles of the abdomen. This procedure gives satisfactory results to those desiring a flatter, well defined abdomen. Patients who have concerns about large fat deposits and loose saggy skin that won’t respond to daily exercise are good candidates.

For Abdominoplasty Operation Procedures, Click Here.

  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • The patient had a laxity after pregnancy. She wanted to improve her abdominal contour.
  • Severe rectus diastasis repair with full abdominaplasty, liposuction to abdomen and flanks.
  • Post-Op Photos taken after 2 years.

  • Tummy Before
  • Patient after a successful tummy tuck with world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun
  • Tummy Before
  • Patient after a successful tummy tuck with world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun
  • Tummy Before
  • Patient after a successful tummy tuck with world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun
  • Tummy Before
  • Patient after a successful tummy tuck with world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun
  • The patient wanted to improve her abdominal contour. She had loose skin and laxity of muscle post pregnancy.
  • Procedures: Rectus diastasis repair with full abdominoplasty.
  • Post-Op Photos taken after 10 weeks

  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, Liposuction
  • Post-Op Photos taken at 3 months

  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Abdominoplasty, Liposuction
  • Post-Op Photos taken at 1 month

  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Abdominoplasty, Liposuction
  • Post-Op Photos taken at 4 months

  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Abdominal Wall Reconstruction & Breasts Augmentation
  • Post-Op Photos taken at 2 weeks

  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After
  • High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty, VASER® Lipo
  • Post-Op Photos taken at 4 weeks
This patient had multiple pregnancies and developed a ventral hernia. Also, weakness of the rectus muscle caused her hernia to get worse.

No other plastic surgeon has the knowledge and experience like Dr. Michael Byun. For this patient, Dr. Byun performed a high lateral abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) with VASER® Lipo that led to the dramatic and beautiful results. The patient’s abdomen is not stretched and Dr. Byun restored the patient’s natural curvature.

Combining a tummy tuck with liposuction (VASER® Lipo) is a complex procedure that draws upon a plastic surgeon’s experience to get the best results. For example, in the above case, liposuction was performed at the central abdomin. Drawing much would have resulted in necrotic tissue (dead tissue) while drawing too little would have resulted in unfavorable results where the central area would have bulged out. This knowledge, experience, and ability to very selectively draw out the appropriate amount of fat separates Dr. Byun from other plastic surgeons.

In addition to Dr. Byun’s expertise in Vaser Lipo, Dr. Byun performs a high lateral tension abdominoplasty. This procedure pulls the side of the abdomin that results in the elegant curvature. Also, Dr. Byun’s tummy tuck salvages and saves the peripheral blood vessels allowing Dr. Byun to thin out the flap safely.

There is a difference between plastic surgeons. Please explore Dr. Byun’s website for more information or call our office at 847-513-6899.

For more information about Vaser Liposelection, please click here.

  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy Before
    Before – NOT done by Dr. Byun
  • Tummy After
    After – done by Dr. Byun
  • Ventral Hernia Repair and Tummy Tuck

The patient had a previous abdominoplasty and had complications from the previous surgeon. She ended up with the T-shaped scar below the belly button and the transverse scar as well. The patient suffered from the large ventral hernia where the previous plication of the muscle did not work. Dr. Byun performed a ventral hernia repair and the ventral hernia and re-do her tummy tuck. Take notice that her mid-line scar and groin areas became even from Dr. Byun’s corrective surgery.

  • Tummy Before
    Patient Submitted Photo Before
  • Tummy After
    Patient Submitted Photo After
  • Tummy Before
    Patient Submitted Photo Before
  • Tummy After
    Patient Submitted Photo After
  • Patient preparing for a tummy tuck with world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun
    Patient Submitted Photo Before

  • Patient after a successful tummy tuck with world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun
    Patient Submitted Photo After

  • Abdominoplasty with rectus plication

  • Patient preparing for a tummy tuck with world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun
  • Tummy After
  • Tummy Before
  • Tummy After

Patient after a successful tummy tuck with world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun. Notice the S curve with this patient.

  • Unlike other surgeons that just remove the trunk tissue, Dr. Byun works on the “S” curve, as displayed above. This is particular apparent in a 45° or profile view.