Best Face Lift – Before and After Images

Facial enhancement is a complex art and if performed correctly, won’t look tight or unnatural. This is where Dr. Byun’s extra training in facial enhancement is crucial. He is an expert in the latest facelift/face lift techniques–the procedures that will produce a more natural look. There are a variety of surgery options. Within days, you can return to your full activity with a new, rejuvenated outlook on life.

For Facelift Operation Procedures, Click Here.

D. Byun’s Midface Lift

Dr. Byun's Best Midface Lift Technique Image 1. Notice how the diagram illustrates how the midface lift will be performed.Dr. Byun's Best Midface Lift Technique image 2. Notice the reallocation of the cheek area, offering a vibrant and youthful look.Dr. Byun’s Midface Technique was presented at the national meeting of Plastic Surgery.

The technique was featured as a video at the American College of Surgeons at the Orlando meeting May 1998.

The delicate aging process of the midface involves the relationships between the lower eye, the cheek area, and the corner of the mouth. Thus, the process of one area affects the other.

The concept of Dr Byun’s face lift is to restore the natural youthful disposition of the cheek by elevating the descended malar cheek pad through very small incisions therefore helping to reshape the central face and achieving a revitalized look.

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, chin and neck lift, jowl lift and brow lift surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun. This picture is pre-op in 2005.
    Pre-Op 2005
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, chin and neck lift, jowl lift and brow lift surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun. This picture is post-op after 1 year.
    Post-Op 1 Year
  • This patient has received the very best midface lift, chin and neck lift, jowl lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun, and here is the results after 8 years post surgery.
    Post-Op 8 Years

This patient sought out Dr. Byun to improve her facial features. Dr. Byun endoscopically performed a mid-face muscle lift, neck lift, jowl lift, and brow lift. To prevent further upper lid hood hovering and drooping, Dr. Byun performed upper blepharoplasty and lower blepharoplasty to remove bags under the eyes. The results show a tighter jawline.

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, neck lift, jowl lift and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, neck lift, jowl lift and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, neck lift, jowl lift and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, neck lift, jowl lift and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, neck lift, jowl lift and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, neck lift, jowl lift and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.


All of the above procedures are performed through multiple small incisions using endoscopes. The facial muscles are lifted right above the bone called the periosteal layer. The lifted muscles are anchored to the bone, periosteum (tough thick membrane that lines the outer surface of all bones).

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.

This patient had a tired, puffy look. After only 2 months shown in the above photos, you can see a dramatic difference in bulging fat pockets and lines from aging. The patient is shown in the after-photos during the early stages of healing, without makeup. She continues to observe progress toward her optimal results.

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, neck lift with liposuction, jowl lift and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • “How can I express the gratitude that overwhelms my spirit each time I gaze into the mirror? To see the sparkle in my eyes restored, a smile once forgotten remembered and a beautiful new nose that only you envisioned as God intended. And with the ghost of old age now banished from my neckline, I see the reflection of my youth— a better, softer version of myself— startling, magical, miraculous. I now possess a face by Byun, and even my creator is impressed. Thank you from the bottom of my grateful heart, and the best of everything to you and yours.”


  • Endoscopic-assisted browlift with facelift
  • Facial muscle lift; buccinator tightening (droopy lower cheek next to mouth),
  • Jowl lift
  • Neck lift and neck lipsuction
  • Lower lid canthopexy (the tightening of lower lid margin)
  • Upper lid blepharoplasty (the removal of skin and tightening of eye muscle)
  • Rhinoplasty with septoplasty (to straighten the septum dividing left and right nostrils) and turbinectomy (reduction or removal of an enlarged turbinate from inside the nose to improve breathing); correction of the malrotated lower lateral cartilage, reduction of the hump, and to improve nasal airway

This patient is a professional singer that was looking to restore a youthful and natural appearance that she once remembered having. With being in the entertainment industry since the age of fourteen and performing in front of hundreds of audience members regularly, Dr. Byun understood patient’s desire to bring back a young and lively stage presence.

Patient sought to improve the large, droopy circles underneath her eyes and sagging cheeks, which involved tightening the cheek and neck area muscles and tissues. Due to her tired-looking eyes, Dr. Byun chose to lift the lateral hood of the brow and skin of the upper lid while enhancing the depth of the upper lid crease, all through minimal incisions. She wished to improve the prominent hump on her nose and minimize the flare-up of the nostrils mostly due to a deviated septum and hanging columella.

The procedures included repositioning the brow and vertically redistributing tissue and muscles through a very specific and gentle multiple vector pull approach. Dr. Byun performed lower lid canthopexy in order to repair the dark circles underneath her eyes and tighten the lid margin and muscles. In order to improve sagging skin around the corners of the mouth, he then lifted the buccinators muscles to compress the cheeks tight to her teeth without pulling the mouth sideways. Unlike most surgeons who tend to approach the neck left through the back of the neck along the hairline, Dr. Byun vertically lifted the jaw area and approached the platysma neck muscle through the lateral part of the face. Dr. Byun believes that aging occurs vertically, and therefore approaches his work in a fashion that does not pull the skin horizontally in an unnatural way. Dr. Byun’s delicate touch and skillful hands allowed the patient to shed years from her appearance, allowing her to feel fresh, energized and comfortable performing in front of her large crowds.

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, and jowl lift surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, and jowl lift surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, and jowl lift surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, rhinoplasty, and jowl lift surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • The patient is a healthy female who would like to improve excess lines. She does not want to obtain drastic changes at this point. She has quite significant ripples on the central face from the lower eye cheek to the mouth area that will improve with the muscle lift and face lift from the side and superiorly to be lifted. Patient does not want to change the eye shape at this point. She is lacking slight volume from the cheek area
  • Procedure: Patient had the endoscopic-assisted face and jowl lift and muscle lift, fat graft from the abdomen to the face, cheek and nasolabial fold.
  • Photos taken 3-1/2 month after.

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient wants to improve facial aging, and is about to get the very best midface lift, brow lift, chin liposuction, and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, brow lift, chin liposuction, and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun. Notice the dramatic facial improvements post surgery.
  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient wants to improve facial aging, and is about to get the very best midface lift, brow lift, chin liposuction, and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, brow lift, chin liposuction, and lower and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun. Notice the dramatic facial improvements post surgery.

The ear lobe cannot be cut and replaced; the skin and muscle inferior to the ear lobe have to be lifted to reduce tension along the ear lobe. This is the reason why quick skin based facelift will always cause a bad appearance of the ear lobe.

Dr. Byun has been the pioneer and one of the very first to work on mid facelift or muscle lift of the face since 1997. As a matter of fact Dr. Byun was the first to perform the surgery at Northwestern University in 1998 and his video of ‘ VECS’ was first presented to the American College of Surgery in 1998. His presentation of Vertical lift, Endoscopic assisted, Composite muscle flap Suspension technique ( VECS) was its first at Chicago plastic surgery meeting in 1998. Since then, he has been perfecting his method of face muscle lift for almost 20 years.

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient wants to correct a fat graft to lower eye, and is about to get the very best midface lift, jowl lift, brow lift, and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, jowl lift, brow lift, and lower eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Patient: female
  • She had a previous fat graft to lower eye area by another doctor, which resulted in puffiness, irregular scar tissues and lumpy area to be visible. She also had nose surgery by another doctor. She feels that her nose is too boxy after the previous surgery.
  • Procedures: Corrective Rhinoplasty, Endoscoptic-assisted Midface composite left jowl lift, Brow lift, Nec lift, Canthopexy, lower blepharoplasty, Shaving and removal of the previous bulging fat graft from the lower lids, upper blepharoplasty, Dermabrasion to the nose scars and the right temple scars.
  • After photo taken at 5 weeks post. The patient is shown in the after-photos during the early stages of healing without make up. She continues to observe progress toward her optimal results.