Breasts Augmentation – Before and After

Whether you need to enlarge, reduce of lift what nature gave you, Dr. Byun uses the very latest techniques to give you a natural, balanced look with minimal scarring.

For Breasts Augmentation Operation Procedures, Click Here.

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After


  • Implant: 275 cc
  • Type: Silicone
  • Post-Op: Photos taken at 2 months
  • Incision: Axillary

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After


  • Implant: 400 cc
  • Type: Silicone
  • Post-Op: Photos taken at 6 months
  • Incision: Inframammary

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After


  • Implant: 300 cc inflated to 330 on left breast, 355 cc on right breast
  • Type: Saline
  • Incision: Areolar
  • Post-Op: Photos taken at 2 months

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After


  • Implant: 300 cc inflated to 345 on left breast, 300 cc on right breast
  • Type: Saline
  • Incision: Inframammary
  • Post-Op: Photos taken at 2 months

Patient had asymmetry between left and right breasts; the right one is more projected due to the higher chest bone and slightly wider in diameter. Dr. Byun corrected the asymmetry by inflating the left impant more than the right.

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After


  • Implant: 200 cc
  • Type: Silicone, Mentor cohesive, high profile memory gel
  • Incision: Inframammary
  • Post-Op: Photos taken at 5 1/2 months

Prior to her procedure, patient had a slighty laxity and wider form on the right side of her chest. Dr. Byun corrected this asymmetry through allowing more room on the left side of the chest, in order to compensate. His ability to envision the body in a balanced form proves to be favorable for patients that have asymmetrical proportions.

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After


  • Implant: 225 cc
  • Type: Silicone, Mentor cohesive, high profile memory gel
  • Incision: Axillary
  • Post-Op: Photos taken at 4 months

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • Before


  • Implant: 250 cc
  • Type: Silicone, Mentor cohesive, high profile memory gel
  • Incision: Axillary
  • Post-Op: Photos taken at 2 1/2 months