Best Face Lift – Before and After Gallery Images

Facial enhancement is a complex art and if performed correctly, won’t look tight or unnatural. This is where Dr. Byun’s extra training in facial enhancement is crucial. He is an expert in the latest facelift/face lift techniques–the procedures that will produce a more natural look. There are a variety of surgery options. Within days, you can return to your full activity with a new, rejuvenated outlook on life.

For Facelift Operation Procedures, Click Here.

D. Byun’s Midface Lift

Dr. Byun's Best Midface Lift Technique Image 1. Notice how the diagram illustrates how the midface lift will be performed.Dr. Byun's Best Midface Lift Technique image 2. Notice the reallocation of the cheek area, offering a vibrant and youthful look.Dr. Byun’s Midface Technique was presented at the national meeting of Plastic Surgery.

The technique was featured as a video at the American College of Surgeons at the Orlando meeting May 1998.

The delicate aging process of the midface involves the relationships between the lower eye, the cheek area, and the corner of the mouth. Thus, the process of one area affects the other.

The concept of Dr Byun’s face lift is to restore the natural youthful disposition of the cheek by elevating the descended malar cheek pad through very small incisions therefore helping to reshape the central face and achieving a revitalized look.

Unfortunately, ear lobe cannot be cut and replaced, skin and muscle inferior to the ear lobe have to be lifted to reduce tension along the ear lobe. This is the reason why quick skin based facelift will always cause a bad appearance of the ear lobe. Good news is it can be corrected with midface or muscle based facelift along with the ear lobe.

Dr. Byun has been the pioneer and one of the very first to work on mid facelift or muscle lift of the face since 1997. As a matter of fact Dr. Byun was the first to perform the surgery at Northwestern University in 1998 and his video of ‘ VECS’ was first presented to the American College of Surgery in 1998. His presentation of Vertical lift, Endoscopic assisted, Composite muscle flap Suspension technique ( VECS) was its first at Chicago plastic surgery meeting in 1998. He has been perfecting his method of face muscle lift since then, now almost 20 years.

  • Best Facelift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best facelift procedure by Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Facelift After Pic. This patient is has received the very best facelift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Facelift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best facelift procedure by Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Facelift After Pic. This patient is has received the very best facelift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.

Dynamic Difference after “Byun” Muscle lift
Even your most vibrant smile appearance improves after “Byun Dynamic Muscle lift”

  • Best Facelift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best facelift, muscle facelift, jowl lift, neck lift, upper and lower eyelid lift, and brow lift procedures by world renowned Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Facelift After Pic. This patient has received the very best facelift, muscle facelift, jowl lift, neck lift, upper and lower eyelid lift, and brow lift procedures by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Facelift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best facelift, muscle facelift, jowl lift, neck lift, upper and lower eyelid lift, and brow lift procedures by world renowned Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Facelift After Pic. This patient has received the very best facelift, muscle facelift, jowl lift, neck lift, upper and lower eyelid lift, and brow lift procedures by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.


  • Midface Lift
  • Muscle Facelift (orbicularis oculi (eye muscle) tightening, zygomaticus major (cheek muscle) lifting and firming, buccinator tightening (droopy lower cheek next to mouth), platysmal (neck muscle) tightening
  • Jowl Lift
  • Neck Lift
  • Lower & Upper Blepharoplasty
  • Brow Lift

All of the above procedures are performed through multiple small incisions using endoscopes. The facial muscles are lifted right above the bone called the periosteal layer. The lifted muscles are anchored to the bone, periosteum (tough thick membrane that lines the outer surface of all bones).

Patient After 3 Years

Wedding photos were taken 3 years after her surgery. What a difference a couple of years make!

After Dr. Byun repairs the facial elements, the skin for the face, neck, and eyes are gently pulled over the muscle groups. Dr. Byun calls this a skin sparing face lift. It is well known from research done on plastic surgery procedures that a full thickness skin graft shrinks significantly. Undermining the face skin from the tissues below is an essential part of a face lift. As a result of Dr. Byun’s extensive experience and the skin’s propensity to shrink from a full thickness skin graft, Dr. Byun removes the minimal amount of skin from the face.

Dr. Byun believes that it is erroneous to pull the skin tight because this will result in an unnatural look. It is absolutely archaic to take inches of skin from your face. This antiquated approach will result in a imbalance of tissue tension which will eventually cause abnormal aging. One can think of many examples of a celebrity who have tight bands forming from the sides of their mouth pulling the corners towards their ears. Also, some look like they are balding at the temple area because someone took too much skin from the hair area such as their sideburns.

Dr. Byun’s approach gives the patient the opportunity to have dramatic changes with natural looking results. Dr. Byun moves important muscles vertically, he then separates the skin gently, and pulls the skin over gracefully. Dr. Byun relies on the natural shrinking property of the skin. One should pay special attention to the shape of the mouth/lips when looking at the post-op photos of face lift patients. The lips should be the same length or shorter after surgery if the face lift was performed correctly. The shadow at the corner of the mouth should be smaller or it should be lifted.

This unique approach to the face was developed by Dr. Michael Byun. Dr. Byun calls this a muscle lift, multiple vector pull, vertical lift, and multi-plane lift. Dr. Byun’s procedure is not a face lift, it is an “Expression Lift.” As a result, Dr. Byun reminds his patients that his procedure is a repair and treatment, not a vanity celebrity makeover.

  • Best Facelift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Facelift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • This patient has received the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun, and here is the results after 7 years post surgery.
    7 Years Post Surgery
  • Patient: Female
  • Procedures: Endoscopic Brow Lift, Midface Lift
  • Before: Failed midface lift by other doctor. Notice droopy cheek and her original cheek to eye distance. (See ‘A’ Below)
  • After: Subtle, but better contour of cheek to eye relationship.

Shortened distance from cheek to lower eye. (See ‘B’ Below) The patient maintains very youthful features 7 years post-surgery through the multiple-muscle lift technique. This work displays Dr. Byun’s ability to produce withstanding, long-term results.

  • Best Muscle Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Muscle Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Muscle Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Muscle Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • This patient has received the very best midface lift and brow lift by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun, and here is the results after 3 years post surgery.

    3 Years Post Surgery

  • “I now dedicate my life to a healthy mind, body, and spirit. My face however, was starting to look sad and tired. Thanks to Dr. Byun’s skills as a surgeon, I now look so youthful and well-rested. It’s very natural looking. A ‘rebirth’ is what I’ve experienced from Dr. Byun.”
    • Procedures: Lower Blepharoplasty, Endoscopic Brow Lift, Midface Lift, Jowl Lift, Neck Lift, Lipo Chin, Dermabrasion To Brow Scar, Brow Scar Release, Fascia Graft
    • Above photos were taken 5 months post surgery.

  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, buccinator, browlift, chin and neck lift, and lower eyelid and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, buccinator, browlift, chin and neck lift, and lower eyelid and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift Before Pic. This patient is about to get the very best midface lift, buccinator, browlift, chin and neck lift, and lower eyelid and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Best Mid face Lift After Pic. This patient has received the very best midface lift, buccinator, browlift, chin and neck lift, and lower eyelid and upper eyelid surgery by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Byun.
  • Patient: female model
  • Procedures: Endoscopic-assisted muscle lift of midface, buccinator and the buccal fat and jowl area, lower lid canthoplasty with blepharoplasty, upper lid blepharoplasty with anchor technique, browlift, chin and neck lift, fat graft to the temple area, bilateral
  • Photos were taken 3 weeks after surgery.