Beauty Talks with Dr. Michael Byun

Best Facelift, Midface Lift, Breast Augmentation, Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery | Surgical Correction of Dark Circles image 4

For many years, people have been in search of the fountain of youth. If there was such a thing, we would all be ready to dive right in without a second thought. At the end of the day, you can’t battle the inevitable aging process. It happens to the best of us.

Dr. Michael Byun, MD, the esteemed surgeon with the “Magic Hands”, shares his tips on conquering the aging skin.

What affects the aging process? An important thing to remember is that your lifestyle choices affect the aging process of your skin. Sun exposure, smoking, alcohol, poor diet, and lack of exercise and sleep all contribute to how the skin ages.

Top 5 Ways to Erase TEN YEARS Off Your Face
  • Wear It

    Studies have shown that wearing sun protection daily has anti-aging benefits. Byun recommends using water-resistant sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher. SPF 15 sunscreens filter about 93% of the sunlight so it is great for everyday use but a higher SPF should be used when exposed to sunlight for longer periods of time. Don’t forget to reapply every 2 hours. Ultraviolet rays can cause wrinkles, sun patches, brown spots, discoloration, and sagging of the skin, as well as increase your chances of skin cancer. Overexposure of ultraviolet rays is the leading cause of skin cancer, which can be easily preventable.

  • Quit It

    If you are smoking or drinking excessively, think about reducing significantly. Smoking accelerates the aging process by depleting Vitamin C, which is essential to your skin’s health. Smoking can also cause the skin to have a grayish-tone, giving you a dull and pale complexion. Alcohol dehydrates your body leaving your skin dry, which causes the skin to wrinkle more quickly. Over time, alcohol can dilate the blood vessels and can even leave permanent damage such as spider veins.

  • Zap It

    Laser skin resurfacing is known to be a technique for dramatically reducing any sun damage to the skin, uneven colored pigments, wrinkles, and reducing any aging lines. The procedure is performed with a handheld device to gently remove the damaged layers of the skin. The laser light penetrates the skin with a heating sensation giving you a smoother and more youthful look. Recovery period for the procedure is about 2-3 weeks, depending on how the body reacts to the treatment.

  • Raise It

    Beauty Talks Cosmetic Eye Surgery

    Cosmetic eye surgery can take years off your appearance in a blink of an eye. Although the surgery is relatively common and minimal recovery is needed, the approach should be delicately handled. Byun avoids cutting the skin in the upper eyelid as most doctors would. Instead, he creates a natural upper lid with his 3D technique to recreate the tuck while the muscle is shortened along with a slight brow lift. His groundbreaking approach has people coming in from all over the world to see what it is all about.

  • Lift It

    Let’s face it…the face is a sensitive subject when it comes to plastic surgery since it is the center of your expression of emotion. We have all seen the facelifts that have gone bad, where the skin has been stretched too much causing an excessively pulled look. Great facelifts are not so obvious. So what makes a great facelift? Dr. Michael Byun, MD believes targeting and repairing the tissues and muscles beneath the skin is best for optimal results. He addresses the often-ignored “midface” region (area beneath the eyes including the nose and structures). His skillful technique focuses on restoring the natural youthful disposition of the face by elevating and raising the malar cheek pad with very small incisions, which are hidden from the human eye.
    Beauty Talks Cosmetic Eye Surgery Beauty Talks Cosmetic Eye Surgery

Dr. Michael Byun, MD
The esteemed surgeon with the “Magic Hands”.

Dr. Michael Byun, MD is a cut above the rest when it comes to plastic surgery. He is a leader in his field with almost 20 years of experience. He revolutionized the cosmetic industry by introducing his cutting edge technique of the midface lift based on muscle lift, which gives the face a natural look and appearance. As the mastermind and innovator of this renowned approach, he has perfected his craft throughout his remarkable career.

Byun practices the art of restoring and rejuvenating the facial elements instead of a vanity makeover to achieve the ultimate youthful look. He stands behind the philosophy of treating the aging process instead of just simply changing the outer appearance.

Byun believes plastic surgery is not just skin-deep. Instead, it is a holistic endeavor involving all aspects of the person as a whole. He states, “The modern approach of cosmetic surgery is not to change someone, but to treat the aging process: the sagging cheeks and sagging eyes, our skin and body”. His extensive training, expertise, compassion to help his patients, and honest feedback are the keys to his unparalleled success.

He is certified in Endoscopic Surgery in Plastic Surgery and Maxillofacial Principle and Technique. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery.