Breasts Enhancement – Before and After

Whether you need to enlarge, reduce of lift what nature gave you, Dr. Byun uses the very latest techniques to give you a natural, balanced look with minimal scarring.

For Breasts Enhancement Operation Procedures, Click Here.

  • 1. A tissue expander is inserted following the mastectomy to prepare for reconstruction.
  • 2. The expander is gradually filled with saline through an integrated or separate tube to stretch the skin enough to accept an implant beneath the chest muscle.
  • 3. After surgery, the breast mound is restored. Scars are permanent, but will fade with time. The nipple and areola are reconstructed at a later date.
  • 4. With flap surgery, tissue is taken from the back and tunneled to the front of the chest wall to support the reconstructed breast.
  • 5. The transported tissue forms a flap for a breast implant, or it may provide enough bulk to form the breast mound without an implant.
  • 6. Tissue may be taken from the abdomen and tunneled to the breast or surgically transplanted to form a new breast mound.
  • 7. After surgery, the breast mound, nipple, and areola are restored.
  • 8. Scars at the breast, nipple, and abdomen will fade substantially with time, but may never disappear entirely

Illustrations & Sources: excerpts from America Society of Plastic Surgeons