Rhinoplasty – Before and After

The nose is the focal-point of the entire face. The ideal nose is natural look and balanced – without the obvious “done” look.

For Rhinoplasty Operation Procedures, Click Here.

  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After


  • Closed Technique, Not Open.
  • Reduction of tip, correction of malrotated lower lateral cartilage.
  • Reduction of nasal hump.
  • Lifting of tip with strut graft (The frontal view shows that the nostril opening is not pulled up. Nostrils that are pulled up will result in an appearance of a “pig” nose and is a sign of a bad rhinoplasty.
  • Nostril diameter reduction. There is no visible scar from the outside (Modified Wier Excision).
  • Narrowing of nasal bone using fenestrated osteotomy technique.
  • Columella lift to reduce the hanging tip appearance (The medial crura of the lower lateral cartilage that runs down to the bridge in between the nostril and the tip is shaved.
  • Partial resection of levator alaqui that controls nostril flarring as one smiles.
  • Cephaic trim of lower lateral cartilage to narrow the tip.
  • Septoplasty to increase the room for air flow.
  • Spreader graft to the space between the septal midline where it meets the mid part of nose at the upper lateral cartilage.
  • Inferior turbinectomy to increase the air way flow (The Supra/Superior turbinectomy was not done because it can cause the CFS leak).
  • Polyp removal if any.
  • Spinous process of ethmoid bone spur resection to widen the airway at the bottom part of inside nostril.

All of the above procedures have to be performed in different degrees to suit the individual in order to achieve the natural but appealing look. The large number of steps/procedures shows the complexity of a successful rhinoplasty. It is a marriage between functional techniques and aesthetic techniques. It is critical that your plastic surgeon is skilled at both; he has to be a superb technician and an extraoridinary artist. With these two qualities, he can be the ideal plastic surgeon for you.

In the case of this 36-year-old male, the patient was unhappy with the shape of his nose. He felt that his nose was too big and he did not like the downward tilt of the nasal tip. This downward tilt was more prominent when the patient smiled. In addition to the aesthetic changes, due to an unknown injury from the past, the patient had a chronic airway obstruction where his nasal bone swung to the left.

This patient’s surgery was very complex as a result of the desired aesthetic changes and the medical need to open the airway passages. In order to meet the patient’s aesthetic desires, Dr. Byun had to address both the static and dynamic components of the patient’s nose. In other words, there are static components such as the dorsal area, nostril, and drooping tip. Also, there is a dynamic component where the nasal tip drooped further when the patient smiled.

Dr. Byun is one of only a few surgeons who can perform the procedure without cutting the base of the nose (columella). Other surgeons cut the columella and lift the skin off to work on the nose. This causes prolonged swelling and recovery time. Instead, Dr. Byun does the surgery Endonasally. A small cut is made inside of your nostril and surgery is done within the nose. As a result of performing the surgery Endonasally, Dr. Byun can hide all incisions and sutures.

As you can see, the results of the Rhinoplasty procedure are dramatic but still looks very natural. The patient is very happy with the end result.

  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Patient: Male
  • Procedure: Wide Nose

  • Rhinoplasty Before

  • Rhinoplasty After

    • Patient: Female
    • Procedure: Bulbous Nalsal Tip

  • Rhinoplasty Before

  • Rhinoplasty After

    • Patient: Female
    • Procedure: Long Tip Reduced

  • Rhinoplasty Before

  • Rhinoplasty After

  • Rhinoplasty Before

  • Rhinoplasty After

  • Patient: Female
  • Procedure: Rhinoplasty with the reduction of the hump and fracture, rotating the lower lateral cartilage down

  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Patient: Male
  • Procedures: Repair of nasal fracture and airway
  • Photos were taken 2 months after surgery.

This patient was involved in an accident that resulted in a broken nose. Dr. Byun repaired the fracture and airway, while reshaping the nose to appear straight and sleek.

  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Patient: Female
  • Procedures: Spreader graft to the left intranasal valve, right turbinectomy, septoplasty, and rhinoplasty
  • Photos were taken 14 months post surgery.

Procedure was executed by Dr. Byun without external scarring at the base of the nose using the endonasal approach as opposed to the open-approach, which can result in scarring. Dr. Byun prefers not to take the open-approach in rhinoplasty, which unnecessarily injures the ligaments between the skin and cartilage and results in long-term swelling. If a doctor takes the open-approach route, the tip of the nose becomes rounded and blunted due to the traction.

  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Patient: Female
  • Procedure: Nasal Asymmetry, Malrotation of the lower lateral cartilage, hanging nose

  • Rhinoplasty Before
  • Rhinoplasty After
  • Patient:Female
  • Procedure: Nasal Asymmetry, Tilted Tip

  • Rhinoplasty Before

  • Rhinoplasty After

  • Patient: Female
  • Procedure: Increase Tip Rhinoplasty, Dorsal Augmentation

  • Rhinoplasty Before

  • Rhinoplasty After

  • Patient: Female .
  • Procedures: Septoplasty, Turbinectomy, Spreader graft, Brow lift, Upper Blepharoplasty.
  • Midface lift
  • Photos were taken 8½ months post surgery.